Senin, 18 Oktober 2010


1. Cross :

Step 1: Form Cross

In this step, you have to form a cross on the D-face. I prefer to make a white cross because it stands out more from the other colors so it is easier to find. From now on, the rest of the guide will refer to white as the cross color. If you do a cross with a different color, just change "white" to your color.
The four edge pieces that are used to form the cross have a specific place. The color other that the color of the cross has to match with the color of the center of the face it is in.
Good Cross Bad Cross
The red-white edge piece lines up with the red center. The green-white edge piece lines up with the green center. The orange-white edge piece lines up with the orange center. The blue-white edge piece lines up with the blue center. The red-white edge piece does not line up with the red center. The green-white edge piece does not line up with the green center.
Unfortunately, the first step is the hardest step. This step is completely intuitive, and may seem impossible at first, but all you really need to be able to do is understand how to move the cubies around.
With practice, you should be able to solve the cross very fast. The most important thing to be able to consistently from the cross is practice, practice, practice. If you are stuck or need help, check out Dan's CubeStation's page on solving the cross for more info.

2. FL Corners (Memasukkan corner) :

Step 2: Insert First Layer Corners

The cross comprised the four edges of the first layer. In this step, you have to put in the corners. Just like the four edge pieces used to form the cross, the four corners have specific positions. Holding the cube so the cross is on the bottom, find a corner cubie in the top layer that has white on one of its three stickers. Look at the other two stickers of that corner piece to determine where in the bottom layer it has to go. Turn the top layer so that that corner is directly above its designated location. This is that start position.
You have to do this to all four corners. In all these five states, there is a solved cross in the D-face. These moves should not be considered algorithms. Do these moves slowly and watch carefully to see how the corner gets placed in.
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4 State 5
To insert corner:
F' U' F
To insert corner:
R U R'
To state 2:
R U2 R' U'
To state 2:
R U R' U'
To state 1:
F' U' F U
If a corner is in the wrong place in the D layer insert the correct one to get it out. If they are all in the wrong place, insert any corner in to get one out.
When you are done, your cube should look like this:

 3. Memasukkan edge / Second Layer (yg tak berwarna kuning) :

To put the second layer edges in, find an edge in the top layer that does not have yellow (or your top-layer color) on either sticker. That edge will have two stickers - one in the U-face, and one on the side face. Look at the color of the sticker on the side, and turn the top layer until that sticker matches the color of the center directly under it.This is the start position.
State 1 State 2 State 3
U' F' U F U R U' R' U R U' R' U' F' U F Do either the algorithm for state 1 or 2 to get the piece out, and then do the correct algorithm to put the piece back in correctly. (lakukan salah 1 algo di samping)
If an second layer edge is in the wrong place in the second layer, insert the correct piece to get it out. If all the second layer edges are in the wrong place in the second layer, insert any edge from the top layer to get one of the edges out.
When you are done, your cube should look like this:

4. OLL Edge orientation :

Step 4: Orient Last Layer Edges

From this step on, you will be using algorithms. Don't worry if you do not understand how they work. The important thing is that they work.
In this step, you have to form a cross on the U-face. Unlike the cross you made for the first layer, the position of the four the edges do not matter. There just has to be a cross.
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4
You're done! Go to the next step. F U R U' R' F' F R U R' U' F' Do either the algorithm for state 1 or 2. When you are done your U-face should now look like state 1 or 2
When you are done, your cube should look like this:

 5. OLL Corner's :

Step 5: Orient Last Layer Corners

The goal for this step is to completely solve the top face so that it is all yellow. You do that by twisting the corners, three at a time. Don't worry about the sides of the top layer. That will be fixed in the next two steps.
There are seven possible orienting last layer corners states. The two algorithms for the first two states can turn three of the four corners clockwise or counterclockwise. For states 1 and 2, this step it easy. Just do the algorithm and move onto the next step. For the rest, it is a little more challenging.
The goal for states 3 to 7 is to strategically twist three corners, using one of the two algorithms, so that you result in state 1 or state 2. Then that can be solved using the algorithm for that state. The way to do so is explained below.

3 Wrong Corners

These are the simplest. Just use the algorithm provided for the case you have. In the first state, the three corners need to be rotated clockwise. In the second, the three corners need the be rotated counterclokewise. Notice that the algorithm for state 2 is just the algorithm for state 1 backwards.
State 1 State 2
R U R' U R U2 R' R U2 R' U' R U' R'

4 Wrong Corners

For these cases, two corners need to be rotated clockwise, while the other two need to be rotated counterclockwise. Hold the cube as shown in the diagrams for states 3 and 4. Notice the two yellow stickers on the top layer of the left face. Make sure they are, then do the algorithm for state 1. You should now have state 1.

State 3 State 4

2 Wrong Corners

For these cases, one corner needs to be rotated clockwise and the other needs to be rotated counterclockwise. Find the one that needs to be twisted counterclockwise. Hold the cube so that that corner is located at the bottom left corner of the top layer. There should be a yellow sticker on the front-face side of the front-up-left corner. If you have done the set-up correctly, your cube will match one of the three states below. Do the algorithm for state 1. Now it should have state 2.

State 5 State 6 State 7
When you are done, your cube should look like this:

6. PLL Corner :

Step 6: Permute Last Layer Corners

Correct corner Turn the top layer until exactly two of the corners are in their correct place. To the right is an example of a corner in the correct place. See how the color of each sticker of the corner matches the color of the center that sticker is on?
Now you will have one of the two states below. Either the two correct corners are adjacent to each other (and therefore the two that need to be swapped are adjacent too), or the two correct corners are diagonal from each other (and the two that need to be swapped are diagonal too).
The corners that need to be swapped have arrows pointing to them. Therefore, the two correct corners in State 1 are the two on the right side, and the two correct corners in State 2 are the bottom-left and top-right ones. (Actually for state 2, the algorithm would still work if the two correct corners were at the top-left and bottom-right instead.)
Note:Remember that 'B2' is to turn the BACK side twice, not the bottom. The correct letter to turn the bottom side is 'D.' ('D' stands for "down.")
State 1 State 2
R2 B2 R F R' B2 R F' R
Then do U to correctly align the four corners.
Do the algorithm for state 1 and it should look like state 1.
When you are done, your cube should look like this:

 7. PLL Edge (last step) :

Step 7: Permute Last Layer Edges

Yay! Last step! And this is proabably the easiest step too! The states are very straightforward.
There are 4 possible states for permuting the edges. Two algorithms are needed. The algorithm for state 2 is almost the same as the one for state 1, except for the second turn and second-to-last turn.
Be careful on the B and B' turns. Don't mix those two up. Remember that in the notation used, you pretend you are looking at the face you are turning to determine which way is clockwise and which is counterclockwise. Therefore, a B will look counterclockwise from the front, but if you were to turn the cube around and look at it from the back, the move would be clockwise. The same thing with B'.
State 1 State 2 State 3 State 4
R2 U F B' R2 F' B U R2 R2 U' F B' R2 F' B U' R2 Do an algorithm for state 1 or 2 and it should look like state 1 or 2. Do an algorithm for state 1 or 2 and it should look like state 1 or 2.
You are done with the cube! Congratulations!!! Now you can go impress your friends and family and teachers!!!
WARNING WARNING WARNING (my previous math teacher said that a lot, and according to my friends who have him this year, he still does =D): Don't play with it in class (assuming that you are in school) unless you have one of those nice teachers. I got my cube confiscated twice. :D One was in 7th grade, because my friend was playing with it after school in my teacher's class when he was supposed to be working. As of right now (10/2/07), I can't remember when the second time was.

Badmephisto PLL

Algoritma PLL (21) :

The latter two pdfs may be slightly out of date on 2-3 algorithms.
PRINTABLE PAGE (pdf) (thanks Andy! also check out his nice website for more pdfs)
ALTERNATIVE PRINTABLE PAGE (pdf) (thank you aaron!)
ALTERNATIVE PRINTABLE PAGE (pdf) that includes descriptions. (thank you karan!)
Diagram Algorithm Name Chance of Occurence Difficulty to Learn Comment
x [(R' U R') D2] [(R U' R') D2] R2
A (a)
XXX The algorithm has a little bit of a symmetry to it. I have a very weird way to memorize this algorithm tracking the two corners in UBR and UFR around the cube as I do it. But I know that many of my friends do it differently. Find what suits you best, it is not too hard or long.
x' [(R U' R) D2] [(R' U R) D2] R2
A (b)
XX This is the exact same type of motion you do in A(a). If you memorized it by motions instead of notation, you should be able to do this one without too many problems.
[R U'] [R U] [R U] [R U'] R' U' R2
U (b)
X Note how the algorithm is basically always R and then U' U U U' in that symmetrical order accompanying the R, and lastly R' and fix up rest by aligning pieces.
R2 U [R U R' U'] (R' U') (R' U R')
U (a)
X The way I remember it: R2 U, then the RUR'U' trigger, then the last two letters of the RUR'U' trigger, then do R' and fix up rest by aligning pieces and putting them to their right positions.
M2 U M2 U2 M2 U M2
X A very easy to remember algorithm. Note how the M2's always alternate, and in between you simply have just U, U2, U
[R U R' U'] [R' F] [R2 U' R'] U' [R U R' F']
XX I find it easy to learn this algorithm by tracking F2L pairs around the cube.RUR'U' takes out a pair. R'F hides it and takes the other pair out to the top layer. R2U'R' aligns this pair with the whites and hides that pair. Now all the pairs are hidden from the top layer. Now we do U' on the Top Layer. Finally RUR'F' takes the second pair out and aligns it with the whites again, and restores the First Two Layers.
[R U R' F'] {[R U R' U'] [R' F] [R2 U' R'] U'}
J (b)
X Notice that this is EXACTLY the same algorithm as the one above but the RUR'F' from the end was now moved to the beginning! So just do RUR'F' and then start doing the T permutation (above) until you see that the cube is solved!
F R U' R' U' [R U R' F'] {[R U R' U'] [R' F R F']}
XX Again I find it helpful to see how F2L pairs move around for this algorithm. F brings an F2L pair to the top, RU'R' inserts that pair back to the middle. Now again as before, all F2L is again intact, but slightly messed up. Then U' is done as in T permutation, and then RUR'F' is AGAIN used to take that pair and insert it back where it was before. The result will leave you with an OLL, which after when you fix using the appropritate algorithm, you will be left with Ypermutation at the end. Note that the OLL is very easy: It takes one pair out to top layer, and inserts it back a different way (in particular, using R'FRF')
[R' U2 R U2] [R' F] [R U R' U'] [R' F'] R2 U'
R (b)
XX Again for this one I find it easiest to track an F2L pair. Remember the first part using just notation because it is easy. After R'F you have an F2L pair on the bottom. Then you do RUR'U' trigger. Next, R'F' reconnects that F2L pair and alligns it with the whites on top, and R2U' just finishes it all up.
[L U2' L' U2'] [L F'] [L' U' L U] [L F] L2' U
y2 [R U2 R' U2] [R B'] [R' U' R U] [R B] R2 U
R (a)
X This is just the reflection of the above. You need to do the above, but using the left hand instead of the right hand. You will be able to mirror the R permutation to your left hand after about a weeks practice of doing it with your right hand. When it becomes a little bit of muscle memory for you it should be really easy to mirror the algorithm with the left hand. So if you can't do it right away, just wait a little more and get a little more comfortable with R(b). The second algorithm is an alternative that I sometime like to do because it involves the (faster) right hand instead.
[R' U R' d'] [R' F'] [R2 U' R' U] [R' F R F]
XXXX I don't really have a great way to memorize this and thats why I rated this as a hard algorithm. I kind of just did it until I had it in my muscle memory. Note how the R'FRF at the end is ALMOST the common R'FRF' trigger, but with F instead of F' at the end.
[R' U2 R' d'] [R' F'] [R2 U' R' U] [R' F R U' F]

X If you know V permutation, this one is REALLY easy. I highlighted the differences. There is simply one extra U, so instead of R' U R' in the beginning you have R' U U R' (or R' U2 R'), and then you have to undo that U at the end of the algorithm, so there is an extra U' that pops in from nowhere near the end of the algorithm.
[R U R'] y' R2 u' R U' R' U R' u R2
G (d)
XX RUR' takes out a pair. Then rotate the cube, and now the fun part starts. I highleted the R rotations so that you can see the pattern better. Notice in particular how the U turns are. It is u' U' U u. It has a very nice symmetry to it. The R's I remember as follows: Since in execution I perfrom the R2 as RR (in clockwise motion), I see them as R clockwise twice, and then R counterclockwise twice, and the final R2 is just to finish up the algorithm. You are welcome to come up with better memory techniques for this things. I know a couple of friends, each with different ways of remembering these G perms...
[R' U' R] y R2 u R' U R U' R u' R2
G (b)
XX This is similar. First take out the pair that is right under the aligned 2x1x1 block, as in G(d), and then rotate the cube, and do a similar pattern. See how there is a symmetry to the U's again? u U U' u'. When I execute, I do the first R2 as R' R', counterclockwise motion. So I think CCW, CCW, CW, CW, and final R2 just to fix it all up.
R2 u' R U' R U R' u R2 [y R U' R']
G (c)
XXX This is simply G(d) inverted. But I find it useless to remember it like that. This is like a completely new algorithm for me. Note the still distinct pattern to the U's. And also R's. Remember it as you wish. The last part yRU'R' just inserts an F2L pair once the first part is done.
R2 u R' U R' U' R u' R2 [y' R' U R]
G (a)
XX This is very similar to G(c). Everything just goes the other way :)
M2 U M2 U M' U2 M2 U2 M' U2
Similar to the H permutation, I find this easy to remember, and I saw some people executing it extremely quickly.
[R' U L'] [U2 R U' R' U2] [R L U']
J (a)
XX 1st part is exactly as in N(b), below. But then you do U2RU'R'U2 which I find personally very easy to remember. The last part (RLU)just simply restores all yellows and I find it very easy to see it visually.
x' (R U' R') D (R U R') D' (R U R') D (R U' R') D'
x (R U' R') D (R U R') u2 (R' U R) D (R' U' R)

XX This algorithm has a nice symmetry to it, as highlighted. Some people fund the second one faster to execute
{(R' U L') U2 (R U' L)} {(R' U L') U2 (R U' L)} U'
N (b)
X Note how the algorithm is made up of two IDENTICAL pieces (in squigly brackets).
To memorize this, track the corner in UBR. As you do R'UL', it will travel along a U on the top layer of the cube. Then do U2, and then restore yellows by doing RU'L. Then repeat that whole thing again.
I hate executing this algorithm. Its a good thing that it rarely ever comes up.

{(L U' R) U2 (L' U R')} {(L U' R) U2 (L' U R')} U
N (a)
X This is just the mirror of the algorithm above and should not be hard to learn.